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How Would You Spend $63 Million?

How would you spend $63 million.png

Tuesday, October 12th, 6-7 pm via Zoom
Join the event here: (Full Zoom invitation below)

Out Boulder County invites you to provide your input and ask questions about how Boulder County will spend the $63 million dollars they will receive from The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). A portion of the $63 million has already arrived with the rest expected in 2022. Boulder County Commissioners in conjunction with Community Foundation Boulder County have developed a survey and they want to hear from the LGBTQ+ community about how these dollars should be spent. It is critical that the LGBTQ+ community make their voices heard. We will be discussing possible uses for the county's portion of ARPA funding and then encouraging everyone to take a brief survey that the county will then use to guide their decisions. Please join us for this informational and important meeting.

Please RSVP here:

This event is intended for conversations around how Boulder County will spend their ARPA funding. Other topics or concerns may be directed to OBC staff at another time. Our Social Media Policy also applies to our virtual events:

For questions, please email Charlie Prohaska (they/them) at

Full Zoom invitation:

Out Boulder County is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: How would you spend $63 million
Time: Oct 12, 2021 06:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 819 9649 0925
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